Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream

I had a dream a couple of nights ago in which Buddy Emmons figured prominently.

I was at Buddy's home which in the dream was a somewhat rustic cottage-type affair with many rooms. I was to tell him about the project, the "Digitally Pitch-Shifted Pedal Steel Guitar," but we kept getting interrupted. Friends and fans kept coming in to talk to him and he took care of them, being the kind person I imagine him to have been. He’ll get to me, I thought, and then I'll be able to share this idea with him.

At one point, he had to go out and take care of his horse (in the dream, I guess he had a horse), leading him around the property with a rope on the horse’s bit….

All during the dream, I knew it was a dream and I kept worrying: "I’m going to wake up before I get a chance to tell him about this new PSG and hear his reaction. I’ll just stay asleep a bit longer, give me more time. He'll get to me."

More people came, more interruptions… Eventually we find a table. We sit. The next frustration is that I can’t find any paper on which to draw some diagrams. Quick, quick, before I wake up, I think to myself. I find a piece of a paper napkin, unfortunately a printed one with very little blank space … No matter…, I'll figure out how to make do. Okay, finally, ready. He's ready to hear. I have his attention.

He looks at me … and I wake up.


Lloyd Green


Switching MCU Horses in Mid-stream & an UnConventional Experience