Dedication and Thanks


Dedicated to ...

Buddy Emmons, the greatest player and innovator of the Pedal Steel Guitar
John Sayler, who would have appreciated this particular application of Technology for Esoteric Purposes more than anyone I can think of.

Special thanks to ...

Steve Fishell, PSG player, Grammy-winning Nashville producer, and damn great guy, whose positivity and enthusiasm know no bounds, for jumping on board and believing in this project as much as I did myself. Without his help, this project would not be where it is.

Buck Reid, Dan Dugmore, Russ Pahl, Tommy White, and Randle Currie, players extraordinaire and great people, for their early interest and ongoing support.

Joel de Guzman, founder of, for his incredible Nu pickups which got me past the first and main obstacles facing this project, and for his technical and moral support.

Katja Vetter, whose knowledge and generosity in sharing her pre-release open source pitch-shifting code, which allowed me to achieve a "proof of concept". It became the basis for the pitch-shifting code ultimately used in the Alpha Prototype and subsequent designs.

Frank Carter, great pedal steel player and builder of the fine and innovative Infinity pedal steel guitar, who came out of retirement just to build the Alpha Prototype.

Jeff Snyder, who ported Katja’s pitch-shifting code to his open source LEAF project (C-based DSP for embedded systems) and has been of great technical help.

Extra special thanks to Esther Kirshenbaum who has supported me in the … very … long pursuit of this project.

In addition to those above, my appreciation to all listed for their interest, contributions, and support


Susan Alcorn
Judy Banker
Dave Beaty
Robert Bristow-Johnson
Kenny Carlsen
Mike Daly
Jesse Flower-Ambroch
Ricky Graham
Jonathan Gregg
Tom Green
Mike Harrington
Ron Hartikka
Greg Hilfman
Whit and Al Hill
Colin Isler
Mark Jay
Skip Krevens
C. L.
K. L.

Steve Marcotte
Geoff Michael
Bob Moses
Lucky Oceans
Alex Pagliere
Russ Pahl
Jim Palenscar
David Pinkston
Mark Reckard
Jean-David Sauser
Ross Shafer
K. Seven
Cary Silye
Travis Toy
Paul Travalini
Steve Turnidge
Howard White
John Widger
John Widgren
Whit Wright


Alan Pagliere, January, 2025