The Alpha Prototype

Frank Carter finished the vast majority of the work on the Alpha Prototype by April of 2021. By August, 2021, the physical instrument was complete.

Still hampered ;) with a day job, Alan was able to occasionally make time for some more work on the software and tweaking the mechanics of the pedals/levers.

In October of 2021, Geoff Michael volunteered his Big Sky Recording and his time to help Alan make a video introducing the Prototype.

Finally plans were made to take the prototype to Nashville for a full presentation to the original Summit attendees and a few others. The date was set for May 22, 2022. Steve Fishell graciously and generously (his default and consistent M.O.) arranged for a few hours at Sound Stage Studios on Music Row.

Several pedal steel greats and other interested parties gathered for the second Summit. Buck Reid kicked off the event by running the Prototype through its paces (video below). Though we had planned to do an official “presentation,” the whole thing turned informal immediately! Players simply sat at the instrument and tested it out. Alan had preprogrammed several of the players’ personal copedents and sweetenings. In addition, they swapped copedents, added pedal changes, etc. Alan got feedback about certain aspects of the Prototype.

The demo was a success. On to the Beta Prototype!