This blog post will likely be updated over time, possibly completely. However, I did want to share some recent progress on the guitar body.

As of today, March 11, 2021, things are happening. Here are two photos. The first, a photo Frank Carter just sent me of the body as it stands today. Zoom in and check out the flame maple. Next on the schedule, are the crossrod assemblies, gauged roller nuts, and putting it all together. That last bit will require Frank and me to get together in person. There is of course the small matter of a global pandemic. I’ve had one shot of the vaccine so far.

The second photo is of the plaque with the PSG logo that will go on the front of the guitar.

After all these years of working on this idea, this gizmo, this revolution in Pedal Steel, the very fact that we’re working on art for fretmarkers and having a logo plaque made is an undeniable sign that we’re on the home stretch.

Wood body finished. Waiting for the gauged roller nuts, pedal rods, crossrod assemblies, fretboard, and electronics.

Wood body finished. Waiting for the gauged roller nuts, pedal rods, crossrod assemblies, fretboard, and electronics.

The plaque to go on the front of the prototype, with the Pagliere Steel Guitars logo.

The plaque to go on the front of the prototype, with the Pagliere Steel Guitars logo.


The New Pedal Steel Guitar Manifesto


What's the Metaphor?