Summit 2.0 : The Prototype

In May of 2022, Alan drove down to Nashville for a week. He and Steve Fishell planned a May 22 meeting for the OnePSGPrototype to be demonstrated to, and played by, several of the greats.

It was a reunion of sorts, since several of those who attended the December, 2016 "Summit" (See a descripton of that great day) where the Proof of Concept instrument was shown, attended this as well: Steve Fishell, Buck Reid, Dan Dugmore. This time we also had Russ Pahl and Whit Wright.

They all played the Prototype, swapping copedents by touching a button, adding pedal changes in seconds, capoing, adjusting sweetenings, etc.

The _Prototype_ was played through Buck's Nashville 112 and Steve's Fender Twin. It stayed in perfect tune and sounded great under the hands of these virtuosos. The demo was a success.

A couple of days later, Travis Toy, who was unable to attend the main demo, dropped by where Alan was staying. Travis set up his own copedent, down to every change and sweetening value, in just a couple of minutes. A few weeks later, Susan Alcorn tested the Prototype on stage before a gig in Detroit.

Alan returned home, ready to embark on the next steps.... Onward and upward!


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