It's Alive



The custom printed circuit board (PCB) that took months to design has been assembled, has arrived, been tested, and is now actually running all the electronic processes needed for the OnePSG. That means that no computer or breadboards with components that were used during development are involved. It means that the touchscreen lets you change copedents instantly on the 10-string, 2-(mock) pedal instrument, edit (open strings and pedal/lever changes) and save new copedents, tune strings and pedals, etc.

Watch the video we've created to demonstrate the functionality running on the PCB.


The functionality itself is only a bit further along than the previous video, but the grandness of the milestone is having it all run on the very board that will live under the body of the prototype OnePSG. That board physically replaces all bellcranks, pull rods, and changers, which as a byproduct makes the instrument lighter, but the real revolution is that the electronics allow software to replace what the bellcranks, pull rods, and changers do … while creating possibilities that have never existed in the pedal steel universe.

Please watch the video and let us know what you think.


Pedal Steel Innovation in the time of COVID


Why Hold Back? Why not Hold Back?