Pedal Steel Innovation in the time of COVID

Well, here we are, living through history just like those people you've always seen (and pitied?) in all those black and white photographs from 1918. Photos of people with masks, and of field hospitals. They had their lives either turned upside down or taken away. How quaint those photos are. How terrible things must have been for those folks.

So, what do we do? The best we can. Hunker down. Stay safe. Connect with people however we can, but with as little interchange of air as possible. And we try to find some respite. I know a good number of musicians and artists. Everyone tries some sort of creative outlet. Sometimes it's simply distraction, sometimes it's to help oneself or others.

I'm lucky enough to be able to continue doing what I've done since I quit my day job just about three years ago: reinventing the Pedal Steel Guitar. Where am I on that?

The body of the guitar has been sitting, built, for over a year. The software runs fine on the very PCB that will go into the prototype. I've been tweaking software (adding tunable splits, tunable half pedals, better user interface, etc.). And until recently, working on some of the last things needed. Getting together the cables and jacks needed to connect everything together as it will be in the final prototype. To show just how close it all is, I've actually worked on fret markers....

From here on, there's good news and there's bad news, but they're kind of mixed up.

Months ago, the pandemic caused production and shipping delays of electronics. On the other hand, the general lack of normal life has, perversely, afforded me the opportunity to work as needed on the project. The next step now should be to head down to work with Frank Carter putting the prototype together. That would require my getting on an airplane for 4 1/2 hours. And so, on the other hand, the pandemic is now an obstacle.

If I got a vaccine and Frank got a vaccine, that would eliminate a lot of (granted, not all) worry. Heck, Frank and I are both in the cohort that should be getting a vaccine... that is, if the vaccine distribution actually were working as it should. "As it should" isn't happening.

We're running out of "other hands" .... the pandemic lifestyle gave us time to get work done, and get to where we have everything ready. But now, with iffy vaccine plans and new variants, COVID once again ia an obstacle. Back to waiting. If waiting is the right word.


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